Follow who Follows – The Twitter Tip that Works


I’m going to give you the most effective technique I’ve found to get new Twitter followers.

I’ve tried lots of different techniques on many different Twitter accounts, globally targeted and locally targeted. Some work well and others work poorly. I’ve tried:

  • Content Building – Tweeting out content that you think might resonate with your audience with the expectation that they’ll find you with searches.
  • Mentioning Popular Tweeps – with the hopes that they’ll mention you back and expose your handle to their audiences.
  • Asking for more Follows – joining #TEAMFOLLOWBACK
  • Keyword Follows – using MarketMeSuite and following people who tweet out specific keywords “marketing fail”, “marketing problem” etc.
  • Creating Deploying Bots – using automated routines to follow people automatically if they tweet within radius of a lat/long coordinate & doing automated keyword follows.

Some of these techniques do get you good followers quick, but they’re often a pain to manage. One of the bots I wrote was a little too aggressive with the following and got its account suspended a few times. Don’t waste your time testing those techniques – use the one tip that works.

I’ve tried lots of automation tools and written a few myself, but so far there’s one simple technique for getting good followers and it requires no automation at all. It’s so simple that it’s stupid.

Here’s what you do:

Poaching Followers

  1. Find someone who is “like you”, for example, if you’re a dentist then pick another dentist.
  2. If location is important to you because your business serves only local customers then make sure you choose someone local to poach followers from.
  3. Then, in Twitter, look at who follows this person you’ve chosen; look at their followers. Follow as many of that similar person’s followers as you can – you know ahead of time that they follow people like you.
    You can even do this step from a mobile phone in your spare time.
  4. Then just wait for them to reciprocate: wait for them to follow you back.

It’s that easy. You’ll be shocked at how effective it is.

Please drop me a comment after you’ve tried this and let me know how your Follower numbers improved.


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