Bad Ads – Where Images and Copy in Ads Don’t Always Match



are you a webmaster ad
This is just an ad shown as an example – you can’t click on it.


This Facebook ad is almost forgivable. It’s image states “LEARN WEB CODE” but then the intro copy asks “Are you a Webmaster?”. What kind of webmaster doesn’t know “web code” already?

It’s pretty obvious that this image wasn’t intended for this ad.

I just hope this was just an effectiveness test and didn’t invest too much in this version.

Don’t worry – I didn’t click on it, but I will give Degree America this one single inbound link to say “Thanks” for tolerating my use of their ad as an example.

Have you seen examples of “Bad Ads” where the images and the copy don’t exactly seem to go together?  Please share them here.


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